Top House progressive Pramila Jayapal criticized by Dems for downplaying Hamas rape accusations against Israeli women. 

Accusations of Hamas terrorists raping Israeli women emerge post-Oct 7 attack; concerns for those still held hostage. 

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz condemns Jayapal's attempt to find moral equivalence, emphasizing the need to condemn sexual violence. 

Jayapal defends her stance on CNN's "State of the Union," highlighting the impact of war on women and condemning Hamas since Oct 7. 

Jayapal underscores Israel's democracy but warns non-compliance with international law may impact alliances and public opinion. 

Rep. Ritchie Torres criticizes Jayapal's lack of unequivocal condemnation, emphasizing the gravity of rape and sexual violence. 

Jayapal asserts war crimes must not be answered with more war crimes, balancing outrage with the Palestinian casualties in Israeli airstrikes. 

Christine Pelosi, daughter of former Speaker Pelosi, condemns Jayapal's approach, urging against minimizing sexual assault. 

Despite backlash, Jayapal, a leader on the left on sexual violence issues, faces scrutiny for her balanced approach to recent accusations.